Home Service

Colin, our friendly mobile mechanic, is here today to service my car and Roland’s Rocky. Well-loved Rocky I have to say! Colin spends most of the morning here and there is a lot of chattering going on. I keep well away – this is secret men’s business. Roland likes to keep an eye on the servicing of our vehicles, which is why he doesn’t take them to a service centre. The mechanics at a service centre do not appreciate an old bloke telling them what to do! Colin is also an old bloke so they are well matched.

Roland’s Rocky on Peaceful Bay Beach

I am just grateful that I don’t have to organise any of these things – the whole car-thing is a mystery to me. I do get stressed when I think I’m going to run short of fuel or the battery is playing up. Punctures are a problem too. Other than that, if the car is reasonably clean (Roland is quietly obsessive about having a clean car), the brakes and lights work, the car is comfortable and economical, well that suits me fine.

One thing is for sure, I will never, ever buy another dark coloured car. This Camry of mine is dark green. It is too hot and dangerous so I have to drive with the headlights on most of the time.

Home Service