Summer Holidays

Summer holidays are coming to an end.
Summer is warming up as thermal lag begins. January, February and March are the warmest months here in Western Australia.
Back to school happens at the beginning of February in the searing heat.

Christmas is a dim memory and New Year’s Resolutions are fading (well, not really; I’m still turning upside down everyday and I am studiously avoiding the doctor – being healthy is so good). These are my resolutions:
1) turn upside down everyday
2) avoid the doctor

Long walks on the beach early in the morning will continue through the hot weather. I’m so looking forward to Yoga classes starting again in February. The gym just doesn’t do it for me although I attend as often as I can drag my body along. In fact, it is the deafening music that most puts me off going to the gym. I’ve tried earplugs but they pop out with all the exertions. Strange how clumsy gym workouts make me. After a Yoga asana session I am balanced and centred, but after a gym workout I can barely balance on both feet.

I had so many good intentions of keeping a regular blog and it doesn’t happen. Procrastination and lack of motivation are the main reasons plus my entries seem so banal. I started this blog in 2009 and still fight with ‘blogger’ every time I post something!

Summer Holidays