Here’s an idea worth sharing

Lily received a birthday party invitation last week. Nothing unusual in that – when you’re 4 going on 5 and in Pre-Primary, birthday party invitations come thick and fast. What was unusual about this invitation was the pamphlet that arrived with it.

The little girl whose birthday it is came up with the idea (or maybe her parents came up with the idea) that, instead of gifts, this year she would like her guests to make a donation to the Smith Family Foundation for disadvantaged children. Indeed, the pamphlet in the envelope was from the Smith Family Foundation.

I do believe that many parents would welcome this initiative as so many gifts nowadays are duplicated or re-gifted or just plain junk that is looked at for 5 minutes and then thrown into the toy-box or the wardrobe never to see the light of day – until brought out for re-gifting, throwing out or donated to the thrift shop (who will probably throw it out).

Of course there is going to be a party – a disco! How much fun will the littleys have dancing the afternoon away! I’m pretty sure Lily will be showing off her moves to the other children.

Sure there will be gifts for the birthday girl (in this case) – from grandparents, parents and so on. Meaningful gifts. Something to treasure. But, if the whole class is invited to the party and each child donates even $10.00 the the Smith Family Foundation – how good will that be!

What do you think?

Here’s an idea worth sharing


I have just read a fairly challenging book, Embassytown by China Miéville. The review on the link is by Ursula Le Guin whose writing may have had some influence on China Miéville. Kafka also springs to mind.

One quote to share, “We were trying to find Language to make sense of a time before whatever came after.” spoken by Avice, the main character. 

Roland kept asking me what Embassytown was about. I struggled to define. It is science fiction and, as one reviewer wrote, anthropological. It is about semiotics, about politics, war … 

I do recommend this book if you’re up for a challenging read!
